I was struggling today for inspiration to make cards so I decided to take a break from it and do some painting.

I just love the pop of red in the colour of the barn. It just captured my eye- being the focal point of the composition, surrounded by trees and grasses so I brought out my paints to play.
As mentioned in another post, I am not a professional painter, this is my interpretation of a picture I saw. You're probably wondering what type of paints I used - One of my main go to is the Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolours. The colours used were Mid Yellow, Orange, cadmium, evergreen, scarlet red, light brown, brown, dark brown, black, cobalt blue, blue, olive green, green, ocean green, mid green, corn flower blue

The first pic you will see, is where I laid the foundation for the painting using the mid yellow, lemon yellow and a mix of lemon yellow and evergreen, dark brown and corn flower blue paints

Then I added some orange, scarlet red, a darker mix of the evergreen and lemon yellow , brown and a little touch of cobalt blue.

From the third picture, you can see me starting to add more colour to the painting, putting in the branches and the trunks of trees, adding trees to the fore ground and the background and really building on the colours of the barn as well...

At this point, I decided that was it.... I am finished... and added a few stones and some flowers.
Hope you enjoyed my little foray into painting and that it encourages you to try your hand at it....
See you next time...

I just love the pop of red in the colour of the barn. It just captured my eye- being the focal point of the composition, surrounded by trees and grasses so I brought out my paints to play.
As mentioned in another post, I am not a professional painter, this is my interpretation of a picture I saw. You're probably wondering what type of paints I used - One of my main go to is the Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolours. The colours used were Mid Yellow, Orange, cadmium, evergreen, scarlet red, light brown, brown, dark brown, black, cobalt blue, blue, olive green, green, ocean green, mid green, corn flower blue

The first pic you will see, is where I laid the foundation for the painting using the mid yellow, lemon yellow and a mix of lemon yellow and evergreen, dark brown and corn flower blue paints

Then I added some orange, scarlet red, a darker mix of the evergreen and lemon yellow , brown and a little touch of cobalt blue.

From the third picture, you can see me starting to add more colour to the painting, putting in the branches and the trunks of trees, adding trees to the fore ground and the background and really building on the colours of the barn as well...

At this point, I decided that was it.... I am finished... and added a few stones and some flowers.
Hope you enjoyed my little foray into painting and that it encourages you to try your hand at it....
See you next time...